MainThread 2020-10-30 15:19:14 DEBUG Selenium raised: unknown error: session deleted because of page crash from unknown error: cannot determine loading status from tab crashed (Session info: chrome = 86.0.4240.75) MainThread 2020-10-30 15:19:14 DEBUG Selenium raised: Session session id was terminated due to BROWSERTIMEOUT. The goal is to share a personal experience with the implementation of Selenium and Azure Functions. But Selenium would crash every time the.

  1. Session Deleted Because Of Page Crash Selenium Sulfide
  2. Session Deleted Because Of Page Crash Selenium Chrome
  3. Session Deleted Because Of Page Crash Selenium Webdriver
  4. Session Deleted Because Of Page Crash Selenium Maven

We’ve recently experienced some peculiar errors when processing capybara-based automation scripts on Heroku. Most of the time, the error returned did not show anything useful…

Session deleted because of page crash selenium maven

yet for a brief period of time, following error was reported when attempting to access capybara session

Finally, after spotting this comment we’ve reduced chrome window size from 1920,1200 to 1440,900 and the problem is no longer present.

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The root reason is unknown, but most likely it is at least partially related to running out of memory (reference). Most of recommendations when using docker in this scenario, was to increase shm-size, by providing --shm-size=2g to docker run. That was not an option for us though…

Hope it helps in case you run into similar situation.

I am writing tests for my AngularJS application using protractor and jasmine.


Session Deleted Because Of Page Crash Selenium Sulfide

Session Deleted Because Of Page Crash Selenium

I am testing file upload case using the code below:


It works fine locally with the next packages:

Session deleted because of page crash selenium webdriver

Session Deleted Because Of Page Crash Selenium Chrome

But when I run this tests on GitLab CI, I get an error:

[chrome #01] F ✗ should upload the file[chrome #01] – Failed: unknown error: session deleted because of
page crash[chrome #01] from unknown error: cannot determine loading status[chrome #01] from tab crashed[chrome #01] (Session info: headless chrome=65.0.3325.181)[chrome #01] (Driver info: chromedriver=2.38.552522
4.13.5-coreos-r2 x86_64)

Session Deleted Because Of Page Crash Selenium Webdriver

I am using ng-file-upload directive.

Thanks for your help!

Session Deleted Because Of Page Crash Selenium Maven


Tags: session